PAINT THIS: Color Block Side Table

Transform a tired piece of furniture into a contemporary classic using this easy color block technique!

Here is what you will need:
- Wood side table
- 150 grit sandpaper
- Rag
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Masking tape
- Paintbrush: Miller Silver Series 2.5” Angle Sash recommended
- Primer: Miller All Purpose Stain Blocking Primer 470011
- Paint: Miller Evolution Trim & Door, Satin or Semigloss
- Color: Graystoke | 0575
- Color: Yellow Umbrella | 0800

How To:
- With sandpaper, slightly sand the table, then wipe clean with a rag.
- Prime the tables with Miller All Purpose Stain Blocking Primer 470011. Let dry.
- Paint the table top, sides and top two thirds of each leg Yellow Umbrella| 0800 and let dry. Second coat if needed.
- With ruler and pencil measure and mark from the bottom of each leg one inch above the yellow paint.
- Horizontally wrap a piece of masking tape around each leg along the pencil mark.
- With Yellow Umbrella | 0800, paint approximately one inch below the tape line, making sure to overlap with paint on the tape too. This step is important, because it will create a crisp color line when the tape is removed. Let paint dry.
- With Graystoke | 0575, paint the bottom one third of each leg, making sure to paint over the exposed yellow and slightly on the masking tape too. Let dry. Second coat if needed.
- Slowly peel tape off each leg.
- Sit back and enjoy your new Color Block Side Table. Great work!