PAINT THIS: How to Paint a Chevron Wallpaper

Create a relaxed, yet graphic chevron pattern on your walls using just a quart of paint and a foam brush! This quick project won’t eat up your whole weekend, but will make you smile every day.

What you will need:
- 1 qt Sheepskin | 0566 in Miller Premium Eggshell
- Laser Level
- 1” foam brush
- Pencil
- Blue painter’s tape
- Drop cloth
- Ruler

How to:
1. With a ruler, determine how far apart you want the vertical lines of your design to be. We chose 4” for this entryway and made tick marks every 4” across. Cover baseboards and door trim with blue painter’s tape. Lay down a drop cloth to protect the floor.

2. Using the laser level and pencil marks as a guide, move across the baseboard. We chose to go from left to right.

3. Using a foam brush, follow the laser line loosely down the wall. If you do not have a laser level, use a standard level and draw light lines with a pencil. Cover with paint.

4. You will see that you do not need very much paint on your brush to achieve an even, painterly effect. Wipe off any excess paint after dipping to make sure the paint is not applied too thick as that can cause drips.

5. Once you have completed the vertical lines, free hand horizontal lines across the wall. The angle and spacing can vary, just make sure to connect the top and bottom of the zig zags on the verticals to create the chevron pattern.

6. Once you have completed the whole wall, remove the painter’s tape and touch up any areas that need it.

6. Great job! Style with your favorite accessories and get ready to welcome guests to your beautiful home.